sexta-feira, 24 de março de 2017

Humans after all...

Io: Cuzz indian civilizations are industrial underdeveloped.
Hippie: Pretty insulting to call them underdeveloped when nothing they do is destroying the Earth. Is it "developed" to have nuclear weapons? Mines that hollow out mountains?
Io: I guess it is inevitable... The cold, the science knowledge and the material abundance, the society organizations and their contradictions in Europe society led to warlike control lasts until today... Just guess, is not a Europeans caracteristic, but all human beings one. Of course indians way of life is different of marxism theory, but in the present stage of facts, indians politic will not be hegemonic... In my opinion indians culture complements much more with marxism than capitalism... Even indians of right politic spectre prove much that indians are humans like europeans after all, that they did not understand capitalism. Unfortunatly ocidentals, don't want to change their way of life, so much indians likes as well.

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